The Suffolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority's Board of Commissioners meet at 5:00 pm on the 4th Tuesday of every month at SRHA, 530 East Pinner Street, in the large conference room for the Joint Committee meeting (JCM) followed by the Board of Commissioners meeting (BOC). Both JCM and BOC are open to the public, however if anyone wishes to address the Board, they must comply with SRHA's policy per Resolution 625 and anyone attending with the rules of conduct as stated in Resolution 1178.
*Meeting times are subject to change, please check this website periodically for updates.
**Meeting to be held on 3rd Tuesday due to Holiday schedule.

Quinton D. Franklin

Clementine S. Cone
Vice Chairman

Regina Hall
Resident Commissioner

Michael McBride

Albert K. Oparaji

Philip Page, Jr.

Gayle Banks-Jackson