The Hall Place Neighborhood Conservation Plan was drafted by SRHA in July 2002 created as a follow up to the recommendation of the Downtown Plan to revitalize neighborhoods in the vicinity of downtown. Working the Downtown Steering Committee, Urban Design Associated created a plan that focused on repairing the fractured urban pattern with a series of connector streets designed to create an interconnected street network.
Plan objectives accomplished the following:
- Crime Prevention: A neighborhood watch program has been implemented within Hall Place.
- Fire Prevention: Eliminate home and neighborhood fire hazards through education; report suspicious acts or conditions, which may result in a fire.
- Block Cleanups: Encourage neighborhood anti-litter campaign, sidewalk sweeps, and advise proper disposal of weekly trash, leaves, trees, etc.
- Traffic Controls: Advise City of needed traffic improvements; cooperate with local officials by reporting violations of traffic laws.
- Neighborhood Preservation: Encourage neighbors to paint and fix up homes and/or apartments through voluntary methods; participate in government programs that would assist property owners in initiating improvements with financial assistance.
- Social Affairs: Initiate block parties/socials events to stimulate fellowship.
- Senior Citizen Assistance: Aid senior citizens through escort services, friendly visits and telephone reassurances.
- Neighborhood Beautification: Initiate programs to beautify and enhance our community's appearance for those living with Hall Place and for those visiting our area. Plans developed for a neighborhood sign, welcoming those who enter, located in the triangle of South Main Street and Hall Avenue.
- Monitoring of City Council: Develop better communication between the Association and councilmen; also be alert to any municipal action that might adversely affect the character of the neighborhood, such as re-zoning, reduced services, traffic patters, etc.